9 Social Media Tips to Engage Your Audience in 2020

Many catering and event professionals understand the importance of having a website. Being searchable, clickable and approachable is everything—but so is being social.
Did you know that 85 percent of buyers check social media before making a purchasing decision?
The truth is, your customers use social media to check up on you and see if you are who you say you are. And they like consistency and value. Here are some other important factors to consider when looking at your social media game for the year:
1. Post Real, Professional Photos
Caterers and other event professionals don’t realize this, but they’re sitting on a visual goldmine. “What you have access to as caterers is something that other industries are begging for: access to real photos.”
And you know those photographers working your event? Talk to them! Make friends with them in person and on social. Don’t have the time? Designate someone on the team to follow up. We can’t stress enough how much these photos impact all pieces of your marketing.
Want to know how you can take your food photography to the next level? Check out this helpful guide.
2. Determine the Top Social Media Platforms
Instagram, Facebook AND LinkedIn? With so many social media platforms to choose from, how can caterers determine the most effective one? “It’s always a great idea to consider the more visual platforms that will really get your message out there and get people to engage.”
Want to know more about which platform is best for you?
Watch the recording of our recent social webinar!
3. When in Doubt, Follow the PCC Formula
Photography + caption + consistency = good catering social media. “If you’re providing a lot of value on your social media, people want to know when they can come back for that value.”
4. Analyze the Value of Your Content
This is the part where we have to do some soul searching, folks. What content are you putting out into the world? Is it interesting, helpful or engaging? Take a look at your Facebook or Instagram profile and really ask, “Would you want to follow yourself?” Catering is about food and people—show the more human side of catering versus your new menu or recent specials.
5. Don’t Ignore Social Media
Social media is here to stay! Every business—in the catering industry or not—should be putting in at least the minimal effort to stay relevant with their audience. “If you’re not putting in 1 percent effort, there’s no reason to expect 1 percent results.”
6. Increase Engagement to Get More Followers
Oh no, Instagram removed its like feature? Don’t worry, this is actually a good thing. What this tells us is that “people are looking for real, authentic connections, not artificial likes.”
7. Post at Least 3 Times a Week
Or more if you have a social media team. In any case, posting at least three times a week shows your audience “you’re alive” and that “you’re fulfilling the promises that you make elsewhere in your marketing.”
8. Build Connections with Vendors
Your vendors and industry friends—who are they? What are they up to? Take the time to check out their social. Comment on a post or two. This will help build your social currency and help you gain followers. Doing the leg work on social media pays off—we promise! And remember: “You NEVER want to buy likes.”
9. Use Your Blog
Blogging isn’t dead, it’s just more competitive. Success depends on what you’re doing with your blog posts. Need some blog post inspiration? Check out our ideas in Blog Posts for Caterers.
We post videos like these once a week. If you’re not already doing so, check out our Instagram for more social tips for catering and event professionals. Maybe you’re already doing all the things we talked about in this post. That’s great! But if you are having a hard time coming up with content and consistently posting, we’d love to hear about it!