Why a Newsletter Is Your Best Friend

Just imagine: one email, plenty of pictures, a sample of your best content in the same place at the same time every month or quarter. Sounds pretty sweet, right? Say hello to your newsletter. It’s important to remember that a newsletter operates as an extension of your website. Not to mention it’s another excellent chance to get your brand out there.
You could also be wondering: Are my customers actually going to read a newsletter? Well, you may be surprised to know that a newsletter is a proven, helpful way for caterers to consolidate all their important information. It gives your customers a chance to get to know you more at their own pace and explore a cool, interactive hub that generates leads and increases your web traffic. Some digital media analytics have shown that newsletter readers spend close to 80 percent more time on a site.
So, what kind of content should you put into your newsletter? And more importantly, how will it benefit you? We’re so glad you asked. Here are some legitimate ways in which you could use a newsletter and how it can help you appeal to and diversify your audience.
Share your latest and greatest
You just had an amazing corporate event. The food was a hit, the décor was divine, the photographer captured your capabilities at their finest and the clients gushed about said fine capabilities. You wrote up a little ditty about the day and shared it on your blog. Enter newsletter! This is your outlet where you can provide snapshots of your latest event spotlights, getting eyes to wander over to your site. It’s also a good chance for you to showcase your experience and what differentiates you.
Are you pumped about your new holiday menu? Have some exciting news to share about a venue partner? Share it here. Newsletters are meaty teasers. They keep your audience up to date while allowing them to venture further, if they so choose. And, if you make the info compelling enough, they will so choose.
Let people get to know you
What’s going on with you and your crew? Has your chef been experimenting with new flavors? Does one of your star planners have a work anniversary coming up? Did you hire any newbies? Give your customers some good old-fashioned human interest. If people can place a face to your work, they may be that much more compelled to shoot you a call or submit a contact form the next time an important event rolls around. Newsletters are awesome relationship-building tools, not to mention natural brand awareness boosters.
Engage people with useful, educational, or just plain fun info
This is where you can let your nerd flags fly. Have an infographic of important stats or information? How about a recipe? Did you recently learn something weird or interesting about an ingredient your team has been working with? Maybe this is your way of highlighting your array of gluten-free options or other dietary arrangements you can make. Reinforce your menu. Turn a section or detail of it into a tasty piece of trivia. Some people read the newspaper for the crossword puzzle. Well, maybe some people read your newsletter for the trivia.
You could use this opportunity to show your audience that you’re thought leaders in your field, but then you could also add in an incentive. People love prizes for answering trivia. At the same time, many marketing experts warn, making a newsletter too salesy may turn people off. Stick hard to brief news, fun bits and the human center.
Show your social side
Maybe something you put on social media blew up and you’re happy about the interaction. Feature it in your newsletter. You don’t have to put your whole feed in there, just one or a few posts you’re particularly excited about. Sprinkle in the rest of your handles so your readers can explore them on their own. This reminds your readers that you’re not just sending information, you’re interested in any back and forth with them as well.
Do some cross-promotion
What services do you feel that your clients may be missing out on? For example, let’s say you have a corporate client who isn’t very familiar with your wedding capabilities. This is your chance to do some cross-selling. Let the clients who’ve experienced you before know what else you have up your sleeve.
A newsletter can also wrangle in those events that tend to operate outside the box. Consider promoting your unique ideas—menus for a gender reveal party, a tax day luncheon, a Super Bowl party.
In the end, a newsletter is that clearing of the throat that lets people know you’re around. And it may be what it takes to get their gears going about the next event they’d like to plan. You may be surprised that this happens all the time!
If you don’t have a newsletter, you’re seriously missing out on a chance to connect to your clients in a way that is interactive, fun and more low-key promotional. It gives you a chance to establish your voice and share what’s important to you.
Friendly reminder: Our team at nuphoriq is here to help you with your newsletter initiatives and more. Give us an earful! Call us at 847.709.2799 or contact us online to talk about your ideas.